

Beyond the Brush, is a 2D top-down view single-player dungeon crawler.
The game focuses on a young knight in the medieval era who decides to go on an adventure to prove that he is capable of facing multiple obstacles using his art skills.
In game, players will explore multiple dungeons in order to master the art of drawing, completing puzzles and defeating multiple powerfull foes, using the main game mechanic - drawing.
While drawing multiple shapes on the screen, players will be able to perform actions like, attacking and shielding themselves in order to build game progress.

Technical Description

Beyond The Brush, 2D dungeon crawler, in a top-down perspective, is a super creative game where we tried to explore and design the game around the mechanics of drawing on the canvas to perform actions in-game, Beyond The Brush also has a companion app "Beyond The Canvas" which allows you to draw on your armor and save the changes, which will then be transfered in-game by our server.

  • Dungeon random generator system
  • Enemy AI, Finite State Machine, with A-star pathfinding
  • Dialogue system for npcs
  • Drawing shapes abilities (ex: slash, x-slash, shield)
  • Drawing shapes spawn for puzzles (ex: rock, box)
  • Audio system by zones
  • Profile changer to change out-fit
  • Talent tree system
  • Map and mini-map
  • Tutorial



Unity 2020; Node.js; MongoDB;


C#; JavaScript;


5 months;


Terry Keyrouz; Prooheckcp;


Windows; Mac;